Science Museum


To promote the museum's newest exhibition 'Voyage to the Edge of Imagination'


There is a crossover between science fiction fans and gamers in terms of the love of puzzle solving.


Involve the target market in the mystery game leading up to the launch.


Create an exciting PR mystery surrounding the exhibition and introduce an AR game that plays into the existing theme of answering and exploring an extraterestrial call.

The Strange Signal

The PR for the Voyage To The Edge of Imagination exhibition will begin with a strange, eerie signal that will disrupt the usual Capital FM programming.

Reddit is the go to platform for all life's questions, as well as geeky discussions. Headed by well known physicist Brian Cox, the target market will be able to discuss at length any findings, theories and queries  throughout the campaign. 

Brian will also provide cryptic hints on live video chats on Discord, the hub of D&D and science fiction enthusist.

Call To Action on Reddit and Discord
Featuring Brian Crox

The Strange Signal

Scifi Posters

As the target audience begin to speculate, science fiction based posters will start appearing throughout London. The posters are aguemented and once scanned will reveal a clue.

The final poster to be released will not be augumented, but it will have a QR code for people to scan.

The Strange Apps

The QR code will lead to the link for an App called "The Signal." Once installed the will be required to answer 5 questions based on the augumented clues. Once correct they will be taken to a landing page with a mysterious countdown. 

The AR Game

On the 1st of October The Voyage to the End of Imagination will reveal  the mystery app  to be 'The Signal' . A fun, AR game brought to you by the Science Museum. The game will help the target audience engage even further with their favourite science fiction monsters.